Custom design and development
PPD offers a unique set of skills within the development of true “Light Weight” defence specified storage and logistic solutions. A storage or logistics contianer for defence has to adhere to requirements unlike anything else on the market. The requirements often result in containers with thick walls or added mateirals in order to withstand the large amount of wear and tear, and not to mention water.
At PPD we offer a different take on things. Though clever design solutions, adaptive materials and learnings from other industries, we combine the best of the best solutions to create “Light Weight” solutions. Our prime example is our LWAC-M2A1, which reduces the overall weight of the ammunition case alone, by 68%!. The LWAC still performs to the same defence standards and requirements, it’s just 68% lighter.
The development process is a close collaboration between PPD’s development team and the customer. If you are a large manufacturer of ammunition or vehicles, looking to save weight or gain an added advantage towards your customers, we are able to help you. The entire process will be guided by our experienced team and the load of your own engineers will be minimal.
Please contact PPD and learn more about our Custom Design Solutions.

The picture above show some of our smaller, but extremely important design features. Amongst others, small “knobs” on the top, add extra stability when stacking and shipping the container full of ammunition.
This small features saves time in packaging, materials for securing the containers once loaded, decreased the risk of full pallets tumbling over when lifted by forklifts enables faster “loads” of to vehicles as they glide in to place.